Modified Freeze Tag

Tactical Problem: Gaining height while performing a lay-up.

Skill Development: Driving knee up in order to gain height and 'unfreeze' classmate.

Teaching Points: 


  • Gaining height and improving vertical.


  • Driving knee up when jumping up to 'unfreeze' classmate.




Organizational Points: 
  • Students find an open space in the gym
  • Teacher designates four people to be 'it,' and these four students put pinnies on.
  • Students try and avoid being tagged.  Begin by walking and progress to running.
  • When tagged, student stands with hands up in the air as high as they can.
  • In order to 'unfreeze' classmate, student must jump up and slap the frozen person's hand.


  • Make game more challenging by having more students who are 'it.'
